Complete Publication List
Refereed Journals
R. B. and Gülder, Ö. L., “Hydrogen
enrichment enhances soot formation in swirl-stabilized non-premixed
turbulent combustion of ethylene in a model gas turbine combustor”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2022.07.160 |
Yang, S. S.
and Gülder, Ö. L."Impact of n-butanol substitution in
ethylene on soot yields in laminar diffusion flames at pressures 3 to
10 bar", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 245. 112236, 2022.
Kheirkhah, S.
and Gülder, Ö. L. “A revisit to the validity of flamelet assumptions
in turbulent premixed combustion and implications for future
research”, Combustion and Flame,
Vol. 239, 111635, 2022.
Gülder, Ö. L.
“Does soot form in a spark-ignition engine fuelled with lean methanol
and methanol-hydrogen mixtures?”, Fuel, Vol. 306, 121728, 2021.
Thillai, N.,
Gülder, Ö. L., “Critique of the experimental study of the combustion
and emission characteristics of ethanol, diesel-gasoline, n-heptane-iso-octane,
n-heptane-ethanol and decane-ethanol in a constant volume
vessel”, Fuel, Vol. 304, 121368, 2021.
Mortimer, D.
and Gülder, Ö. L. “Comments on effects of adding cyclohexane,
n-hexane, ethanol, and 2,5-dimethylfuran to fuel on soot formation in
laminar coflow n-heptane/iso-octane diffusion flame”, Combustion and
Flame, Vol. 232, 111555, 2021.
Weber, J. K.,
Razavi, M. R., Carniglia, P., and Gülder, Ö. L. “Comments on the
Experimental Study of the Combustion and Emission Characteristics of
Lower Alcohols in a Constant Volume Vessel”, Energy and Fuels,
Vol. 35(15), pp. 12753-12757, 2021.
Yang, S. S. and
Gülder, Ö. L. “Sooting propensity dependence on pressure of
ethylbenzene, p-xylene, o-xylene and n-octane in
laminar diffusion flames”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 227, pp.
202-213, 2021.
Yang, S. S. and
Gülder, Ö. L. “Ethanol supplement increases soot yields in
nitrogen-diluted laminar ethylene diffusion flames at pressures from 3
to 5 bar”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 227, pp. 1-10, 2021.
Yang, S. S. and
Gülder, Ö. L. “Sooting characteristics of ethanol-ethylene blends in
laminar coflow diffusion flames up to 10 bar”, Combustion and Flame,
Vol. 225, pp. 39-47, 2021.
Rault M. T.,
Vishwanath, B. R., Gülder, Ö. L., “Spray characteristics, velocity
field, and soot formation in turbulent swirl-stabilized spray flames
in a model combustor fueled with n-butanol/Jet A-1 blends”,
Fuel, Vol. 287, 119452, 2021.
Rault M. T.,
Vishwanath, B. R., Gülder, Ö. L., “Impact of ethanol blending on soot
in turbulent swirl-stabilized Jet A-1 spray flames in a model gas
turbine combustor”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
Vol.38, pp. 6431–6439, 2021.
Yang, S.
S., Karataş, A. E., Gülder, Ö. L., “Effect of hydrogen enrichment of
laminar ethylene diffusion flames on thermal structure and soot yields
at pressures up to 10 bar”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
Vol.38, pp.
Gu, M., Liu,
F., Consalvi, J.-L. and Gülder, Ö. L., “Effects of pressure on soot
formation in laminar coflow methane/air diffusion flames doped with
n-heptane and toluene between 2 and 8 atm”, Proceedings of the
Combustion Institute, Vol.38, pp. 1403–1412, 2021.
Yang, S. S. and
Gülder, Ö. L. “Effects of benzene, cyclo-hexane and n-hexane
addition to methane on soot yields in high-pressure laminar
diffusion flames”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
Vol.38, pp. 1107–1114, 2021.
Karataş, A. E.,
Gigone, B., Gülder, Ö. L., “Soot aggregate morphology deduced from
thermophoretic sampling in coflow laminar methane diffusion flames at
pressures up to 30 bar”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 220, pp.
411-422, 2020.
Yang, S. S.,
and Gülder, Ö. L., “Pressure dependence of sooting characteristics of
m-xylene and n-octane doped laminar methane diffusion
flames from 2 to 10 bar”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 220, pp.
203-209, 2020.
Rault M. T.,
Vishwanath, B. R., Gülder, Ö. L., “Influence of m-xylene
addition to Jet A-1 on spray structure, flow field and soot production
in turbulent swirl-stabilized spray flames in a model combustor”,
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 219, pp. 258-267, 2020.
Commodo, M.,
Karataş, A. E., De Falco, G., Minutolo, P., D’Anna, A., Gülder, Ö.L.,
“On the effect of pressure on soot nanostructure: A Raman spectroscopy
investigation”, Combustion and Flame, Vol. 219, pp. 13-19,
Wang, L.-Y,
Chatterjee, S., An, Q., Steinberg, A. M., Gülder, Ö. L., “Soot
formation and flame structure in swirl-stabilized turbulent
non-premixed methane combustion”, Combustion and Flame, Vol.
209, pp. 303-312, 2019.
Khierkhah, S.,
Gülder, Ö. L., “Comments on Tong et al.: “Experimental study on
dynamics of confined low swirl partially premixed methane-hydrogen-air
flame””, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, pp.
17103-17104, 2019.
Khierkhah, S.,
Gülder, Ö. L., “A comment on papers by Zhou et al. (CNF, 2018) and
Zhou et al. (CST, 2019): Flame displacement speed, flame front
velocity, and edge (reactants) velocity”, Combustion and Flame,
Vol. 205, pp. 133-134, 2019.
Tamadonfar, P.,
Gülder, Ö. L., Comment on the paper “Experimental study of effect of
hydrogen addition on combustion of low caloric value gas fuels”,
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol. 44, pp. 4006-4007,
[PDF] |
Gigone, B., Karataş, A. E., Gülder, Ö. L., “Soot
aggregate morphology in coflow laminar ethylene diffusion flames at
elevated pressures”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,
Vol. 37, pp. 841-848, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.06.103
[PDF] |
Wang, L.-Y., Bauer, C. K., Gülder, Ö. L., “Soot and
flow field in turbulent swirl-stabilized spray flames of Jet A-1 in a
model combustor”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol.
37, pp. 5437-5444, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2018.05.093
[PDF] |
Griffin, E. A., Gülder, Ö. L., "Soot formation in
diluted laminar ethene, propene and 1-butene diffusion flames at
elevated pressures", Combustion and Flame,
Vol. 197, pp. 378-388, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.08.010
[PDF] |
Wang, W, Karataş, A.E., Groth, C.P.T., Gülder, Ö. L.,
"Experimental and numerical study of laminar flame extinction for
syngas and syngas-methane blends”,
Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 190, pp. 1455-1471, 2018. doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2018.1452128
[PDF] |
Wang, W, Karataş, A.E., Groth, C.P.T., Gülder, Ö. L.,
"Combined experimental and numerical study of ethanol laminar flame
Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 190, pp. 1472-1487, 2018. doi.org/10.1080/00102202.2018.1452130
[PDF] |
Griffin, E. A., Christensen, M., Gülder, Ö. L., "Effect
of ethanol addition on soot formation in laminar methane diffusion
flames at pressures above atmospheric", Combustion and Flame,
Vol. 193, pp. 306-312, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.04.001
[PDF] |
Chatterjee, S., Gülder, Ö. L., "Soot concentration and
primary particle size in swirl-stabilized non-premixed turbulent
flames of ethylene and air”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 95, pp.
73-80, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.expthermflusci.2018.01.035
[PDF] |
Joo, P. H., Gigone, B., Griffin, E. A., Christensen,
M., Gülder, Ö. L., "Soot primary particle size dependence on
combustion pressure in laminar ethylene diffusion flames", Fuel,
Vol. 220, pp. 464-470, 2018. doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2018.02.025
[PDF] |
Gülder, Ö. L., Comment on “Experimental Studies of
Magnetic Effect on Methane Laminar Combustion Characteristics”,
Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 190, pp. 186-188, 2018.
[PDF] |
Commodo, M., Joo, P. H., De Falco, G., Minutolo, P.,
D'Anna, A., Gülder, Ö. L., “Raman spectroscopy of soot sampled in
high-pressure diffusion flames”, Energy and Fuels, Vol.31, pp.
10158-10164, 2017.
[PDF] |
Karatas, A. E., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Effects of carbon
dioxide and nitrogen addition on soot processes in laminar diffusion
flames of ethylene-air at high pressures”,
Fuel, Vol. 200, pp. 76-80, 2017.
[PDF] |
Yuen, F. T. C., Liang, J. J., Young, N., Oskooei, S.,
Sreekanth, S., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Novel experimental approach to
studying the thermal stability and coking propensity of jet fuel”,
Energy and Fuels, Vol. 31, pp. 3581-3595, 2017.
[PDF] |
Daca, A. E., Gülder, Ö. L., “Soot formation
characteristics of diffusion flames of methane doped with toluene and
n-heptane at elevated pressures”, Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute, Vol. 36, pp. 737-744, 2017.
[PDF] |
Vargas, A. M., Gülder, Ö. L., “Pressure dependence of
primary soot particle size determined using thermophoretic sampling in
laminar methane-air diffusion flames”, Proceedings of the Combustion
Institute, Vol. 36, pp.975-984, 2017.
[PDF] |
Gülder, Ö. L., Corrigendum to “Dependence of sooting
characteristics and temperature field of co-flow laminar pure and
nitrogen-diluted ethylene–air diffusion flames on pressure” [Combust. Flame 162(2015)
1566--1574], Combustion and Flame Vol. 173, p.1, 2016.
[PDF] |
S., Gülder, Ö. L.,
Maurice, G., Halter, F., and Gökalp, Í., “On periodic
behaviour of weakly turbulent premixed flame corrugations”,
Combustion and Flame Vol. 168, pp. 147-165, 2016.
[PDF] |
A. M., Gülder, Ö. L.“A
multi-probe thermophoretic soot sampling system for high-pressure
diffusion flames”, Review of Scientific Instruments
Vol. 87 (5), 055101, 2016.
[PDF] |
Tamadonfar, P., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Effect of burner
diameter on the burning velocity of premixed turbulent flames
stabilized on Bunsen-type burners”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid
Science Vol. 73, pp. 42-48, 2016.
[PDF] |
Tamadonfar, P., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Effects of mixture
composition and turbulence intensity on flame front structure and
burning velocities of premixed turbulent hydrocarbon/air Bunsen
flames”, Combustion and Flame Vol. 162, pp. 4417-4441, 2015.
[PDF] |
Liu, F., Karatas, A. E., Gülder, Ö. L., and Gu, M.,
“Numerical and experimental study of the influence of CO2 and N2
dilution on soot formation in laminar coflow C2H4/air diffusion flames
at pressures between 5 and 20 atm”, Combustion and Flame Vol.
162, pp. 2231-2247, 2015.
[PDF] |
Karatas, A. E., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Dependence of
sooting characteristics and temperature field of co-flow laminar pure
and nitrogen-diluted ethylene–air diffusion flames on pressure”,
Combustion and Flame, Vol. 162, pp. 1566--1574, 2015.
[PDF] |
Kheirkhah, S., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Consumption Speed
and Burning Velocity in Counter-Gradient and Gradient Diffusion
Regimes of Turbulent Premixed Combustion”, Combustion and Flame,
Vol. 162, pp. 1422--1439, 2015.
[PDF] |
Shahbazian, N., Salahi, M. M., Groth, C.P.T. Gülder, Ö. L.,
and Bushe, W. K.,
“Performance of Conditional Source-Term Estimation Model for LES of
turbulent premixed flames in thin reaction zones regime”, Proceedings of The
Combustion Institute Vol.35, pp.1367–1375, 2015.
[PDF] |
Tamadonfar, P.,
and Gülder, Ö. L., "Experimental investigation of the inner
structure of premixed turbulent methane/air flames in the thin
reaction zones regime", Combustion and
Flame, Vol. 162, pp. 115-128, 2015.
[PDF] |
Tamadonfar, P.,
and Gülder, Ö. L., "Flame brush characteristics and burning velocities
of premixed turbulent methane/air Bunsen flames", Combustion and
Flame, Vol. 161, pp. 3154--3165, 2014.
[PDF] |
Kheirkhah, S., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Topology and brush
thickness of turbulent premixed V-shaped flames”, Flow, Turbulence and
Combustion, Vol. 93, pp.439–459, 2014.
[PDF] |
Charest, M.R.J., Gülder, Ö.L., and Groth, C.P.T., “Numerical
and experimental study of soot formation in laminar diffusion flames
burning simulated biogas fuels at elevated pressures", Combustion
and Flame, Vol.161,
pp.2678-2691, 2014.
[PDF] |
Kheirkhah, S., and Gülder, Ö. L., "Influence of
edge velocity on flame front position and displacement speed in
turbulent premixed combustion", Combustion and Flame,
pp.2614-2626, 2014.
[PDF] |
Hernandez-Perez, F.E., Groth, C.P.T. and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Large-eddy simulation of lean
hydrogen-methane turbulent premixed flames in the methane-dominated
regime”, International Journal of Hydrogen
Energy Vol.39, pp.7147-7157, 2014.
[PDF] |
Joo, P. H., Charest, M.R.J., Groth,
C.P.T., Gülder, Ö. L., “Comparison of structures of laminar
methane-oxygen and methane-air diffusion flames from atmospheric to 60
Combustion and Flame Vol.160, pp.1990–1998, 2013.
[PDF] |
Karatas, A. E., Intasopa, G., and Gülder, Ö. L., "Sooting
behaviour of n-heptane laminar diffusion flames at high pressures",
Combustion and Flame Vol.160, pp.1650–1656, 2013.
[PDF] |
Kheirkhah, S., and Gülder, Ö. L., "Turbulent
premixed combustion in V-shaped flames: characteristics of flame front",
Physics of Fluids Vol.25, 055107, 2013.
[PDF] |
Yuen, F. T. C., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Turbulent premixed
flame front dynamics and implications for limits of flamelet
hypothesis”, Proceedings of The
Combustion Institute Vol.34, pp.1393–1400, 2013.
[PDF] |
Joo, P. H., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Formation of liquid methane water mixture during combustion of a
laminar methane jet at supercritical pressures”,
Energy and Fuels Vol. 26, pp.5462-5467, 2012.
[PDF] |
Karatas, A. E., and Gülder, Ö. L., "Soot formation in
high-pressure laminar diffusion flames", Progress in Energy and
Combustion Science, Vol. 38, pp.818-845, 2012.
[PDF] |
Commodo, M., Fabris, I., Wong, O., Groth, C.P.T., and Gülder,
Ö. L., “Three-dimensional fluorescence spectra of thermally stressed
commercial Jet A-1 aviation fuel in the autoxidative regime”,
Energy and Fuels, Vol. 26, pp.2191-2197, 2012.
[PDF] |
Panek, N., Charest, M.R.J., and Gülder, Ö.L., “Simulation
of microgravity diffusion flames using sub-atmospheric pressures", AIAA Journal,
Vol. 50(4), pp.976-980, 2012.
[PDF] |
Charest, M.R.J., Groth, C.P.T., and Gülder, Ö.L., “Solution
of the equation of radiative transfer using a Newton–Krylov approach
and adaptive mesh refinement", Journal of Computational
Physics, Vol.231, pp.3023-3040, 2012.
[PDF] |
Gülder, Ö. L., Intasopa, G., Joo, H. I., Mandatori, P.
M., Bento, D. S., and Vaillancourt, M. E., "Unified behaviour of
maximum soot yields of methane, ethane and propane laminar difusion
flames at high pressures", Combustion and Flame, Vol.158, pp.2037-2044,
[PDF] |
Charest, M.R.J., Groth, C.P.T., and Gülder, Ö.L., “A
numerical study on the effects of pressure and gravity in laminar
ethylene diffusion flames", Combustion and
Flame, Vol.158, pp.1933-1945, 2011.
[PDF] |
Commodo, M., Fabris, I., Groth, C.P.T., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Analysis of aviation fuel thermal oxidative stability by Electrospray
Ionization Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS)”,
Energy and Fuels, Vol. 25, pp.2142-2150, 2011.
[PDF] |
Charest, M.R.J., Groth, C.P.T., and Gülder, Ö.L., “Effects
of gravity and pressure on laminar co-flow methane-air diffusion
flames at pressures from 1 to 60 atmospheres", Combustion and
Flame, Vol. 158, pp.860-875, 2011.
[PDF] |
Joo, H. I., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Experimental study of soot and temperature field structure of laminar
co-flow ethylene–air diffusion flames with nitrogen dilution at
elevated pressures”,
Combustion and Flame Vol. 158, pp.416-422, 2011.
[PDF] |
Charest, M.R.J., Joo, H. I., Gülder, Ö. L., and Groth,
“Experimental and numerical study of soot formation in laminar
ethylene diffusion flames at elevated pressures from 10 to 35 atm”,
Proceedings of The Combustion Institute Vol.33, pp. 549-557, 2011.
[PDF] |
Hernandez-Perez, F.E., Yuen, F. T. C., Groth, C.P.T. and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“LES of a laboratory-scale turbulent premixed Bunsen flame using FSD,
PCM-FPI and thickened flame models”, Proceedings of The
Combustion Institute Vol.33, pp.1365-1371, 2011.
[PDF] |
Mandatori, P. M., and Gülder, Ö. L., "Soot formation in
laminar ethane diffusion flames at pressures from 0.2 to 3.3 MPa",
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol.33, pp. 577-584,
[PDF] |
Commodo, M., Wong, O., Fabris, I., Groth, C.P.T., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Spectroscopic study of aviation jet fuel thermal oxidative stability”,
Energy and Fuels, Vol. 24, pp.6437-6441, 2010.
[PDF] |
Charest, M.R.J., Groth, C.P.T., and Gülder, Ö.L., “A
computational framework for predicting laminar reactive flows with
soot formation", Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 14,
pp.793-825, 2010.
[PDF] |
Karatas, A. E., Commodo, M., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Soot
formation in co-flow and counter-flow laminar diffusion flames of
binary mixtures of ethylene and butane isomers and synergistic effects", Energy and Fuels, Vol.
24, pp.4912-4918, 2010.
[PDF] |
Yuen, F. T. C., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Dynamics of Lean-Premixed Turbulent Combustion at High Turbulent
Intensities”, Combustion Science and Technology Vol. 182, pp.
544-558, 2010.
[PDF] |
Joo, H. I., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Soot Formation and Temperature Structure in Small Methane-Oxygen
Diffusion Flames at Subcritical and Supercritical Pressures”,
Combustion and Flame Vol. 157, pp.1194-1201, 2010.
[PDF] |
Joo, H. I., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Observation of Liquid Phase Material in Methane-Air Laminar Diffusion
Flame Soot Experiments above 60 Atmospheres”,
Combustion and Flame Vol. 157, pp. 408-409, 2010.
[PDF] |
Yuen, F. T. C., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Investigation of Dynamics of Lean Turbulent Premixed Flames by
Rayleigh Imaging”, AIAA Journal Vol.47(12), pp.2964-2973,
[PDF] |
Gülder, Ö. L., “Comments on "Electrorheology Leads to
Efficient Combustion" by Tao et al.", Energy and Fuels, Vol.
23, pp.591-592, 2009.
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Yuen, F. T. C., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Premixed turbulent flame structure investigation by Rayleigh
scattering in the thin reaction zone regime”, Proceedings of The
Combustion Institute Vol.32, pp.1747-1754, 2009.
[PDF] |
Joo, H. I., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“Soot formation and temperature field structure in co-flow laminar
diffusion flames at pressures from 10 to 60 atmospheres”,
Proceedings of The Combustion Institute Vol.32, pp.769-775, 2009.
[PDF] |
Liu, F., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Effects of Pressure and
Preheat on Super-Adiabatic Flame Temperatures in Rich Premixed
Methane/Air Flames”, Combustion Science and Technology Vol.180,
pp.437-452, 2008.
Cintosun, E., Smallwood, G. J., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
"Flame Surface Fractal Characteristics in Premixed Turbulent
Combustion at High Turbulence Intensities", AIAA
Journal Vol.45, n.11, pp.2785-2789, 2007.
[PDF] |
Mandatori, P. M., and Gülder, Ö. L., "Complete Conversion of Ethane to
Soot in a Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flame at 3.65 MPa", Combustion and
Flame Vol.150, pp.400-403, 2007.
[PDF] |
Gülder, Ö. L., and Smallwood, G. J., “Flame Surface
Densities in Premixed Combustion at Medium to High Turbulence
Intensities”, Combustion Science and Technology Vol.179,
pp.191-206, 2007.
[PDF] |
Gülder, Ö. L. “Contribution of Small Scale Turbulence
to Burning Velocity of Flamelets in the Thin Reaction Zone Regime”
Proceedings of The Combustion Institute Vol.31, pp. 1369-1375,
[PDF] |
Guo, H., Smallwood, G. J., and Gülder, Ö. L., “The
Effect of Reformate Gas Enrichment on Extinction Limits and NOX
Formation in Counterflow CH4/Air Premixed Flames” Proceedings of The
Combustion Institute Vol.31, pp. 1197-1204, 2007 .
[PDF] |
Cohé, C., Halter, F., Chauveau, C., Gökalp, I, and
Gülder, Ö. L., “Fractal Characterisation of High-Pressure and
Hydrogen-Enriched CH4-Air Turbulent Premixed Flames” Proceedings of
The Combustion Institute Vol.31, pp. 1345-1352, 2007.
[PDF] |
Bento, D. S, Thomson, K. A., and Gülder, Ö. L., "Soot
formation and temperature field structure in laminar propane-air
diffusion flames at elevated pressures", Combustion and Flame Vol.
145, pp. 765-778, 2006.
[PDF] |
Guo, H., Liu, F., Smallwood, G. J., and Gülder, Ö. L.,
“A Numerical Study on the Influence of Hydrogen Addition on Soot
Formation in a Laminar Ethylene-Air Diffusion Flame”, Combustion
and Flame, Vol.145, pp.324-338, 2006.
[PDF] |
Gülder, Ö. L., Thomson, K. A., and Snelling, D. R.,
“Effect of fuel nozzle material properties on soot formation and
temperature field in coflow laminar diffusion flames”, Combustion and
Flame, Vol.144, pp.426-433, 2006.
[PDF] |
Snelling, D. R., Smallwood, G. J., Liu, F., Gülder, Ö.
L., and Bachalo, W. D., “A Calibration-Independent Laser-Induced Incandescence Technique for
Soot Measurement by Detecting Absolute Light Intensity”, Applied
Optics, Vol.44(31), pp.6773-6785, 2005.
[PDF] |
Liu, F., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Effects of H2
and H Preferential Diffusion and Unity Lewis Number Assumption on the
Super-Adiabatic Flame Temperatures in Rich Premixed Methane Flames”,
Combustion and Flame, Vol.143, pp.264-281, 2005.
[PDF] |
Thomson, K. A., Gülder, Ö. L.,
Weckman, E. J., Fraser, R. A., Smallwood, G. J., and Snelling, D. R.,
“Soot Concentration and Temperature Measurements in Co-annular,
Nonpremixed CH4/Air Laminar Diffusion Flame at Pressures Up to 4 MPa”,
Combustion and Flame, Vol.140, pp.222-232, 2005.
[PDF] |
Guo, H., Smallwood, G. J., Liu, F., Ju, Y., and Gülder,
Ö. L., “The Effect of Hydrogen Addition on Flammability Limit and NOx
Emission in Lean Counterflow CH4/Air Premixed Flames”, Proceedings
of the Combustion Institute, Vol.30, pp.303-311, 2005.
[PDF] |
Guo, H., Liu, F., Smallwood, G.
J., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Numerical Investigation of the Thermal
Diffusion Influence on Soot Formation in Ethylene/Air Diffusion
Flames”, International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics,Vol.18(2),
pp. 139-151, 2004.
[PDF] |
Snelling, D. R., Liu, F.,
Smallwood, G. J., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Determination of the Soot
Absorption Function and Thermal Accomodation Coefficient Using Low-Fluence
LII in a Laminar Co-Flow Diffusion Flame”, Combustion and Flame,
Vol.136, pp.180-190, 2004.
[PDF] |
Liu, F., Guo, H., Smallwood, G.
J., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Numerical Modelling of Soot Formation and
Oxidation in Laminar Coflow Non-Smoking and Smoking Ethylene Diffusion
Flames”, Combustion Theory and Modelling, Vol. 7, pp. 301-315,
[PDF] |
Liu, F., Guo, H., Smallwood, G.
J., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Numerical Study of the Super-Adiabatic Flame
Temperature Phenomenon in Hydrocarbon Premixed Flames”, Proceedings
of the Combustion Institute, Vol.29, pp.1543-1550, 2003
[PDF] |
Guo, H., Liu, F., Smallwood, G.
J., and Gülder, Ö. L., “Influence of Transport Properties of Inert
Diluents on Soot Formation in a Coflow Laminar Ethylene-Air Diffusion
Flame”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol.29,
pp.2359-2365, 2003.
[PDF] |
Snelling, D. R., Thomson, K. A.,
Smallwood, G. J., Gülder, Ö. L., Weckman, E. J., and Fraser, R. A.,“
Spectrally Resolved Measurement of Flame Radiation to Determine Soot
Temperature and Concentration", AIAA Journal, Vol.40,
pp.1789-1795, 2002.
[PDF] |
Guo, H., Liu, F., Smallwood, G.
J., and Gülder, Ö. L., “The Flame Preheating Effect on Numerical
Modeling of Soot Formation in a Two Dimensional Laminar Ethylene-Air
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