UTIAS Flight Research Simulator

Front Cockpit Workstation The front cockpit is used for fixed wing research. Opincius electric control loading is used to provide force feedback on all the controls. Out-the-window visuals are presented by 3 sony monitors projecting through infinity optic displays units. A touch-screen based glass cockpit is used to display all instruments.
Front Cockpit Workstation The rear cockpit is used for rotary wing research. McFadden hydraulic control loading is used to provide force feedback on the cyclic controls. Out-the-window visuals are presented on either a Kaiser helmet display system or a CAE fibre-optic helmet mounted display system. Rate-gyros and a Polhemus magnetic head tracker are used to estimate head motions, with the gyros being used to generate lead. A touch-screen based glass cockpit is used to display all instruments.
Main Simulator Components Both cockpits are mounted on a CAE 300 series hydraulic motion system. Up to five channels of Evans and Sutherland 6500Q image generators are available to render the visual scene. The flight equations and other real-time calculations are performed on a 8 processor Concurrent iHawk.