DACE Research Group: Public-domain software

  1. State estimation without governing equations, software repository for our 2023 Nature paper "State estimation of a physical system with unknown governing equations".
  2. Variational inference for latent SDEs, software repository for our 2023 NeurIPS paper "Amortized reparametrization: efficient and scalable variational inference for latent SDEs".
  3. Separated low-rank represention models, software repository for reproducing results from our 2019 Proceedings of the Royal Society A paper "Sparse low-rank separated representation models for learning from data".
  4. Scalable GP regression on gappy structured data, software repository for our 2018 SIAM SDM Paper "Exploiting structure for fast kernel learning".
  5. Large-scale GP regression with grid-structured eigenfunction kernels, software repository for our 2018 ICML paper "Scalable Gaussian processes with grid-structured eigenfunctions (GP-GRIEF)".
  6. Utilities for benchmarking regression algorithms on a selection of datasets from the UCI repository