Studies in Computational Engineering |
Summer Student, 2024 |
Daniel FOSTER |
Dissipation-Based Homotopy Continuation Methods
for Steady Aerodynamic Flows |
B.A.Sc., 2023/2024 |
Prediction of Non-Equilibrium Gas Filling and Ionization Processes
in a Chamber Using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) Methods |
B.A.Sc., 2023/2024 |
Joseph TRAN |
Implementation of a Newton-Krylov-Schwarz Solution Method
with Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Turbulent Flows |
B.A.Sc., 2023/2024 |
Franklin LU |
Numerical Modelling of Aircraft Contrail Formation |
Co-Op Student, 2023/2024 |
Liam XUE |
Numerical Simulation of a Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE) |
Summer Student, 2023 |
Sloan SOBIE |
Numerical Simulation of a Rotating Detonation Engine (RDE) |
Summer Student, 2023 |
Fred CHUN |
LES of a Turbulent Premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Flame |
B.A.Sc., 2022/2023 |
Divergence Cleaning in Variational Data Assimilation for Ideal
Magnetohydrodynamic Equations |
B.A.Sc., 2022/2023 |
3D Data-Driven Global MHD Modelling of Space Plasma Flows |
Summer Student, 2021 |
Allan Dok Lun CHEUNG |
Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) of Lean Premixed Hydrogen
Deflagration in Vented Vessels |
B.A.Sc., 2020/2021 |
Hannah NEAL |
The 14-Moment Maximum-Entropy-Based Intepolative Closure for Simulation of
Nonequilibrium Gaseous Flows |
Co-Op Student, 2020 |
Allan CHEUNG |
Simulation of Hydrogen Deflagrations in Vented Vessels |
Summer Student, 2020 |
Fully 3D Data-Driven Global MHD Modelling of
Multiple CME Initiation, Propagation, and Evolution |
Summer Student, 2019 |
Zehua WU |
Simulation of Hydrogen Deflagrations in Vented Vessels |
Summer Student, 2019 |
Satoshi BABA |
Simulation of Hydrogen Deflagrations in Vented Vessels |
Summer Student, 2019 |
Mohamad KHALIL |
LES of a Turbulent Premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Flame |
B.A.Sc., 2018/2019 |
Andrew BUSTARD |
The Design and Testing of a Micro-Alignment Probe |
B.A.Sc., 2018/2019 |
Mohamad KHALIL |
LES of a Turbulent Premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Flame |
Summer Student, 2018 |
LES of a Turbulent Premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Flame |
Summer Student, 2018 |
Charles Ryan TAYLOR |
Investigation of a Grid-Independent Large Eddy Simulation Method |
B.A.Sc., 2016/2017 |
Marthinus DE BEER |
LES with a PCM-FPI Coupled SFM Model Applied to Duct Flow of Turbulent
Premixed Bluff Body Stabilized Flame |
B.A.Sc., 2016/2017 |
Stability Analysis of Diffusive Flux Evaluation Techniques for the
Finite Volume Method |
B.A.Sc., 2016/2017 |
Evaluation of Spherical Harmonics Closures for Two-Dimensional
Radiation Transfer Equation |
B.A.Sc., 2016/2017 |
Predicting Hybrid Rocket Engine Performance Using CFD |
B.A.Sc., 2016/2017 |
Abhimanyu JOSHI |
1D and 2D Numerical Simulation of Laminar Diffusion Flames in an
Counterflow Setup to Compare Extinction Strain Rates Obtained from Different Chemical Kinetic
Mechanisms |
B.A.Sc., 2016 |
Andy WANG |
Modeling and Simulation of Hollow Cathodes |
B.A.Sc., 2015/2016 |
Jeremy KLAUS |
Comparing the Accuracy and Stability of Various High-Order
Finite-Volume Discretization Strategies for Numerically Solving the Poisson Equation
in One Spatial Dimension |
B.A.Sc., 2015 |
Numerical Simulation of Extinction Limits for Ethanol |
Summer Student, 2015 |
Xiaoqi SHI |
Finite-Volume Discretization Strategies for the
Non-Linear Diffusion Operator |
B.A.Sc., 2012/2013 |
Zheng WANG |
Comparison of High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin and Finite-Volume
Methods |
B.A.Sc., 2012/2013 |
Zeija ZHANG |
Flamelet-Based Tabulated Chemistry for Prediction of
High-Pressure Laminar Flames |
B.A.Sc., 2012/2013 |
Tong ZHENG |
Combustion Properties of Gaseous and Liquid Biofuels |
B.A.Sc., 2012/2013 |
Zheng WANG |
Comparison of High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin and Finite-Volume
Methods |
Summer Student, 2012 |
Tong ZHENG |
Combustion Properties of Gaseous and Liquid Biofuels |
Summer Student, 2012 |
Chandramouli GANESAN |
Subfilter-Scale Modelling for LES of Turbulent Premixed Flames |
B.A.Sc., 2011/2012 |
Pratik PAREKH |
Subfilter-Scale Modelling for LES of Turbulent Premixed Flames |
Summer Student, 2011 |
Daniel YE |
Numerical Study of Open Rotor Blade Design |
B.A.Sc., 2010/2011 |
Comparison of High-Order Finite-Volume and Discontinous
Galerkin Schemes |
B.A.Sc., 2010/2011 |
Galen HOGAN |
Effects of Syngas Fuel Composition on the Structure of Laminar
Coflow Diffusion Flames |
B.A.Sc., 2010/2011 |
Galen HOGAN |
Numerical Modelling of Liquid-Oxygen (LOX) Injector Systems for
Staged-Combustion, Aft-Injected, Hybrid (SCIAH) Rocket Motors |
Summer Student, 2010 |
Girish NIVARTI |
High-Order Finite-Volume Schemes on Unstructured
Three-Dimensional Mesh |
Summer Student, 2010 |
Doreen FAN |
Radiative Transport Analysis for SCAIH Rocket Motors |
B.A.Sc., 2010 |
Graham FELTON |
< |
Compression Lift Enhancement for Supersonic Transport Aircraft |
B.A.Sc., 2009/2010 (Co-supervised, Prof. Gottlieb) |
Parallel Implementation of Fast Fourier Transforms |
Summer Student, 2009 |
Najmus IBRAHIM |
CFD Analysis of Huygens Probe In Titan's Atmosphere |
B.A.Sc., 2009 |
ZiChen LIN |
Parallel Algorithm Development Using GPU Floating-Point Accelerators |
B.A.Sc., 2009 |
Quinn JIEN |
Numeric Modeling of Cetane Number And Smoke Point Using Hydrogen/Carbon
Variations from HNMR Analysis |
B.A.Sc., 2009 |
John CHU |
Development of Refinement Strategy and Binary Tree Data Structure
for Anisotropic Block-Based Mesh Refinement |
B.A.Sc., 2009 |
Jenmy ZHANG |
Aposteriori Error Estimation for Block-Based Adaptive Mesh
Refinement Using High-Order Finite-Volume Schemes |
B.A.Sc., 2008/2009 |
Optimal Aerodynamic Design of Leading Edge Surfaces for Hypersonic
Flows |
B.A.Sc., 2008/2009 (Co-supervised, Prof. Gottlieb) |
Quadrilateral and Hexahedral Mesh Generation |
Summer Student, 2008 |
Jenmy ZHANG |
Error Estimation for Adaptive Mesh Refinement |
Summer Student, 2008 |
Ling XIAO |
High-Order Reconstruction of One-Dimensional Functions with
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Based on a Posteriori Error Estimates |
B.A.Sc., 2007 |
Eska KO |
Three-Dimensional Hexahedral Mesh Generation |
Summer Student, 2007 |
Leo NG |
Modelling Quasi One-Dimensional Flow of Supercritical
Pre-Heated Jet Fuel |
B.A.Sc., 2006 |
Samuel WONG |
High-Order Level Set Methods |
Summer Student, 2005 |
Analysis of the Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Flap in
Hypersonic Flow |
B.A.Sc., 2004 |
Alistair WOOD |
A Parallel Implementation of the Generalized Minimum Residual
(GMRES) Solver |
B.A.Sc., 2004 |
Developing A Posteriori Error Measures for High-Order Finite-Volume
Methods Used in Mesh Adaptation for the One-Dimensional Convection Equation |
B.A.Sc., 2004 |
Parallel Load Balancing Using Space Filling Curves |
Summer Student, 2004 |
Parallel Multigrid Solutions to Parabolic/Elliptic
Partial Differential Equations |
B.A.Sc., 2004 |
An Aerodynamic Design for a Solar Car |
B.A.Sc., 2003 |
Carrie SMITH |
Computational Analysis of the Effect of Changes in Tip Clearance on the
Performance of a Centrifugal Impeller |
B.A.Sc., 2003 |
Stefan NEATA |
Three-Dimensional Hexahedral Mesh Generation |
Summer Student, 2003 |
MingYao DING |
Understanding Ion Thrusters: An Analysis and Simulation of the
B.A.Sc., 2003 |
The Development and Implementation of a Turbofan/Turbojet
Performance Analysis Program |
B.A.Sc., 2003 |
MingYao DING |
Two-Dimensional Quadrilateral Mesh Generation |
Summer Student, 2002 |
Frank HSUEH |
CFD Analysis of Impeller Rear Cavity for Aeroengines |
Summer Student, 2002 |
Felisa ZHANG |
A Theoretical Analysis of the Variable Specific Impulse
Magnetoplasma Rocket |
B.A.Sc., 2002 |
Three-Dimensional Mesh Generation |
Summer Student, 2001 |
Data Analysis and Mesh Generation for Compressor and Fan Rotors |
Summer Student, 2001 |
Numerical Investigation of Free-Jet Flows |
Summer Student, 2001 |
Eric LI |
Prediction of Flows Through Axial-Flow Compressor and Fan Rotors |
Summer Student, 2000 |
Predicting Quasi-Steady Core Flows in Solid Propellant
Rocket Motors |
Summer Student, 2000 |