Siddharth YAJAMAN |
Numerical Simulation of Radiating Plasmas |
Ph.D. |
Norbert TANACS |
Prediction of Turbulent Hydrogen Flames |
Ph.D. |
Leanne DAVIS |
Second-Order Maximum Entropy Closure Applied to
Prediction of Relativistic Radiating Plasmas |
M.A.Sc. |
Guillaume RODIER |
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Hydrogen Flames
for Gas-Turbine Engine Applications |
M.A.Sc. |
Large-Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Sooting Flames |
Ph.D. |
Katrina HAARMANN |
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Predictions
of Three-Dimensional Turbulent Sooting Flames |
M.A.Sc. |
Megan LEVY |
Coupling of Electrodynamic High-Latitude Ionosphere and
Global Ideal MHD Models |
M.A.Sc. |
Rayhan WALIA |
Variational Data Assimilation for Laminar Reactive Flows |
M.A.Sc. |
Fred CHUN |
Large-Eddy Simulation of a Turbulent Premixed
Bluff-Body-Stabilized Flame |
M.A.Sc. |
Variational Parameter Estimation for Improved Global
MHD Models of the Steady Background Solar Wind |
M.A.Sc. |
Hannah NEAL |
14-Moment Maximum-Entropy-Based Interpolative Closure Applied for
the Prediction of Non-Equilibrium Gaseous Flows |
M.A.Sc. |
Kevin BROOKS |
Maximum-Entropy-Based Moment Closures for Predicting Polydisperse,
Polykinetic Liquid Fuels Sprays |
Ph.D. |
David PENNER |
Quasi-Newton Method with Anisotropic Block-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement for
Compressible Laminar Flows |
M.A.Sc. |
Jose ARNAL |
Development of Data Assimilation Techniques for
Ideal Magnetohydrodynamics Flows of Space Plasmas |
Ph.D. |
Numerical Simulation of the Transition from Regular to Mach
Oblique Shock Reflections |
Ph.D. (co-supervised by Prof. Gottlieb) |
Chris NGIGI |
Output-Based Error Estimation for Anisotropic AMR |
Ph.D. |
Graeme SUPEENE |
RANS-Based Fully Multiphase Flow Model for
Transcritical Turbulent Sprays |
Ph.D. (co-supervised by Prof. Gülder) |